• 设施管理及服务
  • 云顶集团
  • 云顶集团



    The mission of 设施管理及服务 is to provide exceptional 服务 和 我们的校园社区资源.  Our commitment is to communicate clearly, respond promptly 和 to effectively resolve the needs of our campus community. 我们是专注的 to working with the campus to provide a safe, comfortable, attractive, sustainable 和 functional environment conducive to teaching, learning, research, 和 community 服务.  


    沟通: We commit to provide effective, open, frequent, proactive communication both written 并且口头上要有专业的态度. 

    团队合作: We commit to partner in a collaborative, open, respectful manner, sharing solutions to determine the best approach to meet the needs of our customers 和 the College. 

    负责任的: We commit to approach our work 和 each task with a work ethic that is reflected by our timeliness, our sense of urgency in providing the 服务, 和 the quality 解的值.  We commit to a positive, helpful, “can do” attitude.

    尊重: We conduct ourselves with actions that reflect our care 和 concern for all individuals, our work place, the equipment we use, our natural environment, 和 the College as 一个整体. 

    安全: We commit to execute our work discerning potential hazards, taking the necessary steps to overcome those risks, 和 always wearing all personal protection equipment required to perform the tasks in the safest manner possible.  



    事件 & 会议服务

    规划、设计 & 建设

    The Planning Design 和 建设 department within Facilities at 云顶集团 takes care of all things related to building projects from managing our large multi-million-dollar new buildings 和 renovations to relocating offices, modernizing classrooms, 和 purchasing furniture on our beautiful 287-acre campus.  我们的校园位于马里兰州陶森市 is comprised of approximately 1,100,000 square feet of classroom, office, residential, 休闲空间.  We are always looking for ways to make our facilities better 和 to improve the way our community learns, works, 和 plays. 

    当前的 & 规划项目

    As 云顶集团 navigates a new era in higher education, our modernized curriculum 和 state-of-the-art facilities will enhance the college’s focus on innovation. 这已经 already begun with the completion of the 一年级的村庄 和 玛丽费希尔食堂 2018年秋季. 我们还有其他项目正在计划中. 


    云顶集团 College’s architectural legacy is linked through stone buildings that are the center of both the historic downtown campus, begun at St. 保罗和23rd streets in 1885 和 which moved to the sylvan Towson campus in the mid-forties to 现在五十多岁.  The old 云顶集团 Historic District was entered on the National register of historic places in 1978 where 18 of the original buildings were listed.  的陶森市 campus was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2007 because of its architectural 和 planning importance in the development of campus planning in the 美国.  It was one of the first campuses plans in the country that was based on the principles of modernism (more Prairie Style than International) 和 emphasized keeping the natural rolling topography of the campus 和 using materials from the 地区方言.  For a fuller description of the campus history 和 buildings see 特别收藏网络展览 "Building a Greater 云顶集团: The History of the Towson Campus" ,以及网页 “云顶集团校园建筑”.


    环境服务 is committed to providing high quality 服务s that results in clean, well-maintained 和 aesthetically pleasing facilities. 这是我们的主要目标之一 is focusing on customer 服务, teamwork, 和 creating an environment where our employees can learn 和 grow personally 和 professionally. 设施管理服务 be considered the "heart" of the College’s operations. In performing our various responsibilities, we strive to cultivate individual honesty, integrity, exemplary customer 服务 和 卓越.

    操作 & 维护

    设施管理服务(FMS) provides maintenance 服务s to the entire campus. As key stewards of the College’s facilities, FMS is responsible for facility assessments, skilled trades, general construction, building care, 和 the management of planned, 纠正性和预防性维护.

    FMS consists of 维护 Support Shops, which includes HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, 车队管理,锁具和木工. 方法创建工作请求 蓝玉搞定 form or by calling Work Management, 410.337.6166.


    The 校园的理由 Department is responsible for the management of close to 300 total 在云顶集团. Of those 300 acres roughly 90 acres are “manicured” 和 the remaining 210 acres consist of the wooded areas as well as roadways. 理由 team is responsible for items such as daily trash removal on the grounds, 和 maintaining 室外运动设施. We respond to work requests issued by students 和 staff, perform horticultural maintenance of the trees, turf, 和 shrubs throughout campus, 和 operate the 云顶集团 bus 和 other vehicles as needed.

    查看一个 组织购物车(PDF) 云顶集团FMS系.